We have TWO very big opportunities for you to improve your life and your business and they both happen to be on the same day.
One.. since many of us (including me) could use a little extra physical activity this time of year, especially after the holidays, we will be leading at #21toLiveUnreal challenge and all of you are welcome to participate. What's significant about this challenge is that starting on the first we will be exactly 21 days out from day one of the Live Unreal Summit in az AND we know it takes 21 days to form a habit so my hope is that we get you down the path of creating new, healthy habits for yourself this year, starting with this challenge, AND everyone who participates will look and feel better just in time for our biggest event of the year!
So here's how it works..
Starting on 1/1 you must add OR increase your physical activity by 30 min a day for 21 days straight. The physical activity must include doing something out of the norm such as walking, running, lifting weights, etc. Shoveling snow for instance doesn't count.
There are no "off" days. This is 21 days in a row.
If you are already doing a routine workout plan you must add 30 more min to it AND it must be for 21 days straight.
Everyone who completes the 21 day challenge will be invited to participate in a special 21st day workout, on the morning of the 21st while we are together in AZ for the Summit (time will be sometime between 530-630a).
If you complete all 21 days AND you are present for the special workout on the 21st in AZ you are entered to win his/hers Live Unreal workout kit (and you'll be feeling great about your new habit and strong start to the year)!
Even if you are not attending the Summit, you may participate, you just won't be eligible for the on-site prize giveaway but let's be honest the real prize is what you're doing for yourself.
So how do we know you completed the challenge?
Every day, starting with 1/1 you must take a selfie, a pic or some sort of proof of your exercise for that day AND include the #21toLiveUnreal with your post to social media.
Speaking of "post"... yes you MUST post to social media for 21 days straight but they CAN be stories, they do not need to be full posts and Instagram OR Facebook is okay.
Yes, that'll be 21 photos of you and/or your gym or something that proves you did it along with the hashtag! Keep an eye on the Glover U Inner Circle and the daily messages for updates and encouragement!
Okay so what about the #2 opportunity that I was referring to?
Well, the 1st us also the biggest expired day of the year and you have an opportunity to join Justin Ford and I (for Free) while we prospect too.
HOMEWORK: Join us at gloveru.com/webinar live on 1/1 and get your schedule set for 21 days of workouts and be ready to get active on social media with your story/challenge!