1. Higher Conversion Ratios
You work with people who you already know, like and trust you. Buyers will stick with you and sellers will sign with you more consistently.
2. More Time Back
Profit is not just money; it's TIME! Less time chasing clients and less time needed to convert.
3. Database Focused
You'll have a better ROI on your time! It is less expensive to market to get someone to respond to your message versus someone who doesn't know you. These clients typically IGNORE other marketing efforts from competitors.
4. More Stability & Security in Future Business:
Database business is more predictable because when you take good care of your people, they will continue to use you.
5. Database Deals are Generally More Enjoyable
Which lead to a better transaction, always!
6. Less Cold Calling
Which of course, leads to less rejection!
7. Databases are Shift-proof
No matter what is happening in the market, your database will use you.
8. Less Possible Friction in the Deal
There are less pain points and database business typically doesn't fight as much on commission, value or worth.
9. More Positive Reviews
These clients are also more likely to leave you a positive review, which could lead to more referrals
10. The Higher the Value of the Home, the More Likely They Are to Refer You to a Friend
In the NAR profile of buyers and sellers, it states the higher value of the property the more likely a potential client is to work with a referral than in a lower price range.